
The dental assistant is an important member of the dental health care team. The dental assistant is directly involved in patient care, such as reducing patient anxiety, preparing and sterilizing dental instruments; mixing dental materials; and exchanging instruments to the dentist at chairside during procedures. Other duties may include laboratory and office management duties.

Entrance Requirements/Registration

ADAP学生必须具有高中文凭或同等学历,并且目前被一名牙医雇佣为牙科助理,该牙医将在ADAP课程期间担任导师. 3,500 hours experience is required.

  • 提交其高中毕业证书或同等学历的副本与他们的注册表格.
  • 目前被纽约州持牌牙医聘为牙科助理,该牙医将在ADAP课程期间担任导师. 申请本课程的学生如果受雇于专业实践,必须在一般实践中获得第二名导师.

课本: Modern Dental Assisting, 14th edition (ISBN 9780323824408)

成本: 1100美元外加书本费、执照考试费和执照申请费.

2月. 2024年5月31日
12月开始注册. 5, 2023

8月. 12月26日. 13, 2024
Registration begins March 6, 2024

To register, please complete the 注册表格(PDF) 和 ADAP Agreement: Employee/Preceptor Agreement ADAP Form (PDF). 提交填妥的表格,并附上高中毕业证书或同等学历的复印件.


替代牙科辅助计划(ADAP)是纽约州教育部注册的计划. 要成为一名有执照的牙医助理,学生必须学习纽约牙医学院接受的学术课程. ADAP是专门为有经验的无证牙科助理设计的.

This program includes two parts:

  1. Topic information is presented in an online distance learning format. This format includes 15 modules presented in 15 weeks. 本课程将为参加纽约专业牙科助理(NYPDA)提供充分的准备。, 辐射的健康 & Safety (RHS), and Infection Control (ICE) exams. Or a student may sit for the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. 这些考试由牙科助理国家委员会(DANB)管理,成为纽约州注册牙科助理(RDA)。.
  2. 此外,学生被要求完成1000小时的牙科辅助工作经验,将在上课的第一天开始.

学生需要提交临床作品集,其中包括技能能力评估表(SCEF)。, 一份出勤表,成绩达到75分或以上,即可顺利完成课程.

获得推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜牙科助理结业证书, 毕业生必须参加DANB考试,并向纽约州职业办公室提交申请,成为RDA.

注意: 该学院提供在线课程 Dental Assisting Certificate program for students who do not meet the requirements to enroll in the ADAP program. For further information regarding the certificate program, contact the Admission’s Office at (518) 629-7309.

Payment and Refund Information

Please Note: Due to federal privacy regulations, 如果学生是由第三方赞助参加本课程, 学校不能将学生的教育记录信息透露给除学生以外的任何人,除非 FERPA (Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act) form is on file with the college 和 third party sponsor is so named.



All requests for a refund must be submitted in writing. 所有退款都将以支票的形式进行,通常需要14到21天的时间来处理. 如果您的注册费用是由第三方支付的,请在您的退款请求中包括支票应支付给谁.

Prior to start of course: 100% refund
During first week of class: 75% refund
During second week of class: 50% refund
During third week of class: 25% refund
After third week of class: No refund



  • Meet the computer requirements. 你需要有一台能上网的电脑,并且能满足最低的系统和浏览器要求. To test your system for compatibility go to 7oga.foundationsprogramme.com/check 并选择Check System & 浏览器的需求.
    注意: Not all of features and functionalities are supported on mobile devices. You still need access to a computer to take an online course.
  • Have proficient reading and writing skills. 在线学习课程中的大部分交流都是以书面形式完成的.
  • 熟练使用word或word Perfect等文字处理软件. 你应该熟悉发送电子邮件和使用基本功能,如“复制”和“粘贴”."
  • 能够使用哈德逊山谷社区学院的邮箱电子邮件系统与您的老师和班级进行沟通.
  • Be able to budget your time and priorities. 在线 learning courses are NOT self-paced. 他们在注册、期中考试、期末考试等方面都遵循学期日历. 家庭作业和其他作业、测试和测验都是定期交的.



Tammy Conway, RDH, MS
Department Chair, Dental Hygiene Department
Ms. 康威在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜获得了口腔卫生学位. 她得了B.S. at William Paterson University and her M.S. at the State University of New York at Albany. She has been the Department Chair since 2019.

安画廊,RDA, CDA, AS
Ms. Gallerie曾在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任牙科助理教师,并毕业于该学院的牙科助理证书课程. 她得了A.S. 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一名注册牙医助理(RDA),并获得了纽约州教育部的许可. 她还持有牙科助理全国委员会(DANB)颁发的注册牙科助理(CDA)全国认证。.

Gabriele Hamm, RDA, CDA, CDPMA, AS
Ms. 哈姆曾在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任牙科助理教师, 也是口腔卫生部门的牙科辅助项目协调员. Ms. Hamm毕业于Westchester Para-professional School的牙科助理证书课程. 她得了A.S. 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一名注册牙医助理(RDA),并获得了纽约州教育部的许可. 她还获得了牙科执业管理认证(CDPMA)和牙科助理认证(CDA)的国家认证,由牙科协助国家委员会(DANB)颁发。.


Community, Professional and 员工发展

Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center, Room 334

传真: (518) 629-8103

有规律: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2023 Hours (May 22 - July 28): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)